About us
The Italian Constructive Media Association was born with the aim to search, verify and spread a more balanced and constructive way of making news through which create new publishing, cultural and educational projects.
Art.2 – The Association aims to spread better practice in the area of constructive journalism. Therefore to innovate the world of information, through the development of new methods and parameters. This to lead communication and media experts, journalists, publishers to add, to their normal publishing activities, more constructive-propositive aspects, more focused on solutions.
The Association mostly carries out three types of activities (art.3):
- training and advice through courses both online and in person for all those who already work in the media such as journalists, aspiring journalists, publishers and communication professionals.
- meeting and events for the large public to spread awareness and knowledge of what constructive journalism is and how it works.
- opinion articles thought for both media experts and for the large public with more detailed information and a first direct approach to constructive media.
Our work is primarily aimed for two targets: media professionals (journalists, aspiring journalists, publishers, communication experts) and media consumers (the large audience who gets informed through mass media every day).
Everyone can join the Association and contribute to our work. You can follow our courses and learn how to bring this new perspective and writing method in your everyday work or take part in our events, created to spread to everyone this new way to make information and create a new better, strict and constructive way of doing journalism.
Members of Board
Silvio Malvolti
founder and chairman
Pioneer in Italy for a more constructive approach to the news, he’s the publisher since 2001 of the news website BuoneNotizie.it (a sort of initiation to move the focus on the half glass full) awarded by Apple, the Presidency of Italian Republic, IlSole24ORE and several universities. During his path, he worked for big publishers such as RCS MediaGroup and 24ORE Group.
Veronica Tarozzi
indipendent journalist
Graduated in Linguistic Mediation. Dedicated to volunteering in organizations dealing with human rights, sustainability and social change, as an independent journalist she writes mainly on these issues. She is a tutor for the Association’s training courses.
Florinda Ambrogio
constructive journalist
Graduated in Psychological Sciences and Techniques with specialization in Forensic Sciences, she is a journalist and writes about news and personal growth. Among the first students in our training program, she has now become a tutor for the Association’s training courses.Ethic Committee
Mariagrazia Tagliabue
Non-profit expert, Mariagrazia gives her precious contribution to our Association with passion. She lives in Bruxelles where she works for ATEE (Association for Teacher Education in Europe).
The goals of our Association are ambitious and we are going to share them with you a little bit at the time. Here on our website, we are going to share our events and courses schedule.
We are going to work hard, but to realize all of our projects we need your help.
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